ppmd.kernel module

class ppmd.kernel.Constant(name, value)

Bases: object

Class representing a numerical constant.

This class can be used to use placeholders for constants in kernels.

  • name (str) – Name of constant

  • value – Numerical value (can actually be any data type)


Replace all occurrences in a string and return result

Ignores the constant if it is not a C-variable. For example, if the name of the constant is mass, then it would not replace it in mass1 or Hmass.


s (str) – string to work on

class ppmd.kernel.Header(name=None, system=True, block=None)

Bases: object

class ppmd.kernel.Kernel(name, code, constants=None, headers=None, reductions=None, static_args=None)

Bases: object

Computational kernel, i.e. C-code + numerical constants.

Stores the C source code of a kernel and substitutes in any numerical constants that are to be copied it when the class is created.

  • name – name of the kernel

  • code – C source code

  • constants – List of constants (type Constant) which are to be substituted in.

  • reductions – list of reductions required by kernel if using parallel looping.

property code

Kernel source code after substitution of numerical constants

property headers

Return C headers required for kernel


Unique md5 hexdigest which is used for identifying the kernel.

property name

Kernel name.


Provides a method to determine if a variable undergoes a Reduction.

property static_args
class ppmd.kernel.Reduction(variable, pointer, operator='+')

Bases: object

Object to store Reduction operations required by kernels. Currently holds only one Reduction per instance.

  • variable (str) – Variable name eg ‘u’.

  • pointer (str) – C pointer syntax of variable being reduced upon eg ‘u[0]’.

  • operator (char) – operator performed in Reduction, default ‘+’.

property index

Returns index in C pointer syntax, eg u[0] returns 0

property operator

Returns C operator

property pointer

Returns C pointer syntax

property variable

Returns variable name

ppmd.kernel.analyse(kernel_in=None, dat_dict=None)
  • kernel_in (kernel) – Kernel to analyse.

  • dat_dict (list) – List of variables which should be assumed are in global memory.


Dict of operations and their estimated number of occurences.