ppmd.coulomb.octal module

class ppmd.coulomb.octal.EntryData(tree, ncomp, dtype=<class 'ctypes.c_double'>)

Bases: object


add data onto a OctalDataTree of mode=’halo’ :param octal_data_tree:


Extract data from a OctalDataTree of mode=’plain’ :param octal_data_tree:

class ppmd.coulomb.octal.OctalDataTree(tree, ncomp, mode=None, dtype=<class 'ctypes.c_double'>)

Bases: object

num_cells(start=0, end=None)

Zero all stored data.

class ppmd.coulomb.octal.OctalGridLevel(level, parent_comm, entry_map=None)

Bases: object


Map from global cube index to local cube index


Map from global cube index to local cube index with halos


Map from global cube index to local parent index


Size of grid plus halos


Halo exchange the passed numpy array of shape self.grid_cube_size. :param arr: numpy array to exchange.


Size of grid


Offset in global coodinates to the local sub-domain


Map from global cube index to owning MPI rank


Size of parent grid with matching ownership

class ppmd.coulomb.octal.OctalTree(num_levels, cart_comm)

Bases: object


Compute the local interaction offset lists for a local domain. Child cubes are indexed lexicographically from 0. :param local_size: tuple of local cube domain dimensions (fast to slow) :return: 8x189 INT64 offsets numpy array.


Compute the interaction offsets for a given child cube. Child cubes are indexed with a tuple. :param cube_index: Tuple of child cube to compute offsets for. :return: numpy array type INT64 size 189x3 of offsets.


Compute the 8x189 lookup table to map from offset index to recomputed spherical harmonics. Phi part.


Compute the coefficients such that when multiplied by the cube with they give the radius to the box centre.


Compute the 8x189 lookup table to map from offset index to recomputed spherical harmonics. Theta part.

ppmd.coulomb.octal.compute_local_size_offset(owners, dims, top)
class ppmd.coulomb.octal.cube_owner_map(cart_comm, cube_side_count, group_children=False)

Bases: object

Compute the global map from cube index (lexicographic) to owning MPI rank and map to MPI ranks with sub-domains of non-empty intersection with each cube.

Assumes that in each dimension ranks are assigned equal shares of the domain.

  • cart_comm – MPI cartesian communicator.

  • cube_side_count – Integer subdivision level of domain.

  • group_children – Consider cube subdivision to be the final mesh l of

an octal tree and group cubes such that all children of cubes in mesh l-1 are on the same MPI rank.


Cartesian communicator used

static compute_grid_ownership(dims, top, cube_side_count, group_children=False)

For each dimension compute the owner and contributing ranks. Does not perform out product to compute the full map. :param dims: tuple of mpi dims. :param top: tuple of top. :param cube_side_count: int, number of cubes in each dimension :param group_children: See class doc string. :return: tuple: ranks of each cube owner, contributing ranks.

static compute_map_product_contribs(cart_comm, cube_to_mpi, dim_contribs)

Compute the full map from cube index to mpi rank owner, cube index to mpi ranks of contributors. :param cart_comm: MPI cart_comm to use for logical coord to rank conversion. Owner map per dimension, elements are ints. :param cube_to_mpi: ndims x cube_side_count tuple representing cube to owner map per dimension, elements are ints. :param dim_contribs: tuple ndims x cube_side_count tuple containing lists of contributors. :return:

static compute_map_product_owners(cart_comm, dim_owners)

Compute the full map from cube index to mpi rank owner. :param cart_comm: MPI cart_comm to use for logical coord to rank conversion. :param dim_owners: ndims x cube_side_count tuple representing cube to owner map per dimension, elements are ints. lists of contributors. :return: array, length number of cubes, cube global index to mpi rank owner.


Array containing ranks contributing to a cube


Cube i has contributing coefficients from ranks x_s_i to x_s_{i-1} where s is contrib_starts and x is contrib_mpi


Total number of cubes


Side count of octal tree on domain


Array from cube global index to owning mpi rank


Array if this mpi rank contributes to cube i then x_i is owning rank of cube i else x_i = -1

ppmd.coulomb.octal.cube_tuple_to_lin_xyz(ii, n)

convert xyz tuple ii to linear index in cube of side length n. :param ii: (x,y,z) tuple. :param n: side length

ppmd.coulomb.octal.cube_tuple_to_lin_zyx(ii, n)

convert xyz tuple ii to linear index in cube of side length n. :param ii: (z,y,x) tuple. :param n: side length

ppmd.coulomb.octal.send_parent_to_halo(src_level, parent_data_tree, halo_data_tree)

Copy the data from parent mode OctalDataTree to halo mode OctalDataTree.

This function enables the movement of data up the octal tree. Data is sent from src_level to src_level - 1.

  • src_level – parent level to send into the halo level

  • parent_data_tree – OctalDataTree of mode parent.

  • halo_data_tree – OctalDataTree of mode halo


halo_data_tree will be modified.

ppmd.coulomb.octal.send_plain_to_parent(src_level, plain_data_tree, parent_data_tree)

Copy the data from plain mode OctalDataTree to parent mode OctalDataTree.

This function enables the movement of data down the octal tree. Data is sent from src_level to src_level + 1.

  • src_level – plain level to send into the parent level

  • plain_data_tree – OctalDataTree of mode plain.

  • parent_data_tree – OctalDataTree of mode parent


parent_data_tree will be modified.


Iterator to loop over the outer shell of a cube. :param width: Number of cells between a centred cube and the outer most cube.

width = 0 -> a single cube.

= 1 -> all cubes in a 3x3x3 block except the very middle cube.